I have really been procrastinating to write this note. It's not my fault. It's just that sometimes when you really have everything good, you don't wanna reminisce because you might remember way past the good times. But let me get to the true subject of this note.
I realized that this journal has been more of a party journal than anything and that I really haven't been very true to myself more often than not. I am doing a whole lot more than just partying. Believe me. Although my class schedule is very flexible (and I do mean extremely flexible) I am studying quite a lot. And when I study I do get a fresh insight into the world outside Kenya. For instance, did you know that Kenyan media........scratch that..kenyans in general, suck at telling news. What I get from the Nation and Standard websites is more international news than anything. So as you guessed, I get most of my news from Facebook status updates. Can you imagine? Mpaka I have given up and lost track of the news in Kenya. This shows heavily biased we are against the internet (and gives me a business idea, anyone wanna join me?)
Also, I realized that our Kenyan government really doesn't give a care about any of us. But that's something I will get into detail when I get back home and have a plate full of chapati madondo in front of me.
This experience in Kalmar is really opening my eyes to what the world has to offer and I am realizing that sometimes as Africans in general, we downplay our strengths and resources thinking that we can't do anything coz we are just Africans. But I shall also get into detail on that when I get some chapati madondo.
And speaking about chapati madondo, since the last time I sat down to write a note, I have been on a singular mission to grow fat. And so far, it seems that I am failing miserably. As any of my friends can tell you (and I assume you saw the photos) from Easter it's been just one big eating frenzy. It all started on Good Friday with a lunch kindly cooked by my dear friend Adele and hosted by my crazy Rhodesian friend Felix (which is where I got my profile pic from :-) That was a pretty interesting lunch coz we were watching a cartoon that's definitely not for kids. I shall not tell you the name in fear of getting any of you addicted to it.
That evening, the third floor of the 'mansion' hosted a barbecue and we called all the people who were spending their Easter in Kalmar. That turned out well. We sang Beetles songs the whole night :-D And that was the official start of BBQ season :-)
The next barbecue was the next day by the sea. All the exchange students who hadn't gone home for Easter came together to have some fun in the sun and suffice to say, we did have a good time. If you don't believe, check out the photos. That night, I was king of the dance floor at the only club that was open. Though it was full, it was fun.
There was a BBQ on Monday, but I was so tired that I rathered to just chill in the sun and chat with my neighbors from the third floor. That ended in a photo shoot.....and I am sure you have seen the photos so I won't tire you with those details.
Fast forward to Wednesday and I was nervous as hell coz I had organized a treasure hunt to get to know my neighbors more. I wasn't sure that they would turn up and true to their form, they didn't. But I still went on with the treasure hunt and everyone who did turn up for it (most of my friends from the building) surely had a good time. The BBQ afterward was marvelous. You should have seen me, happier than a Kenyan housewife with a kitchen full of guests. Best part is that guests almost outnumbered hosts.
Friday night was Salsa night and I had the priviledge to teach many many people to dance. And all my students moved on to become marvelous dancers :D That night I think I danced my feet off. And after that we went for an after party at somebody's house and there I met this most amazing couple. A tattoo artist and his wife. They live in Norway now but some time ago they sold their stuff and went to live in Thailand. Just like that. Talking to them got me thinking that sometimes life just needs to be lived. Screw hustling and just get out there and live your life. So we talked and talked till the sun came up and I realized I had to go sleep or risk missing work on Saturday night.
Sato night I was working in the student-run club. There was a dinner for ESN, which is the organization that makes sure that exchange students are well catered for. I was among a team of 7 exchange students working at that dinner and I must say we were a pretty good team :D The dinner was from 6 till about 9 then we all went to a pre-party that ESN Kalmar had organized in a basement. That was fun. And I have the photos to prove that. :D Whatever happened from that point till sunday morning is not to be repeated.
Sunday was round 2 of the International lunch and this time there was way much more food. It was pretty interesting to have so many nationalities under one roof. We ended up playing a game of ping pong with frying pans (and I have the photos to prove it :-) whatever happened after that point till today morning shall also not be repeated....
All in all, I have realized one thing. Everybody needs to really live their life. If not every day (like me), every so often. You need to shake off the idiosyncrasies and dullness that is classic in popular culture, get out there and literally smell the roses. You will be surprised what you have missed sitting in the house or at the pub every weekend. Ask me and I shall show you!
As a by the way, I attended a very interesting Swedish traditional event for children the Wednesday before Good Friday. It was the 'witching' night. That was interesting. Lots of children dressed like witches and running around a museum. And I got to learn more than a bit about Swedish history at the museum. And I got the cutest photo of some of the origami frogs the kids were making :-D

I realized that this journal has been more of a party journal than anything and that I really haven't been very true to myself more often than not. I am doing a whole lot more than just partying. Believe me. Although my class schedule is very flexible (and I do mean extremely flexible) I am studying quite a lot. And when I study I do get a fresh insight into the world outside Kenya. For instance, did you know that Kenyan media........scratch that..kenyans in general, suck at telling news. What I get from the Nation and Standard websites is more international news than anything. So as you guessed, I get most of my news from Facebook status updates. Can you imagine? Mpaka I have given up and lost track of the news in Kenya. This shows heavily biased we are against the internet (and gives me a business idea, anyone wanna join me?)
Also, I realized that our Kenyan government really doesn't give a care about any of us. But that's something I will get into detail when I get back home and have a plate full of chapati madondo in front of me.
This experience in Kalmar is really opening my eyes to what the world has to offer and I am realizing that sometimes as Africans in general, we downplay our strengths and resources thinking that we can't do anything coz we are just Africans. But I shall also get into detail on that when I get some chapati madondo.
And speaking about chapati madondo, since the last time I sat down to write a note, I have been on a singular mission to grow fat. And so far, it seems that I am failing miserably. As any of my friends can tell you (and I assume you saw the photos) from Easter it's been just one big eating frenzy. It all started on Good Friday with a lunch kindly cooked by my dear friend Adele and hosted by my crazy Rhodesian friend Felix (which is where I got my profile pic from :-) That was a pretty interesting lunch coz we were watching a cartoon that's definitely not for kids. I shall not tell you the name in fear of getting any of you addicted to it.
That evening, the third floor of the 'mansion' hosted a barbecue and we called all the people who were spending their Easter in Kalmar. That turned out well. We sang Beetles songs the whole night :-D And that was the official start of BBQ season :-)
The next barbecue was the next day by the sea. All the exchange students who hadn't gone home for Easter came together to have some fun in the sun and suffice to say, we did have a good time. If you don't believe, check out the photos. That night, I was king of the dance floor at the only club that was open. Though it was full, it was fun.
There was a BBQ on Monday, but I was so tired that I rathered to just chill in the sun and chat with my neighbors from the third floor. That ended in a photo shoot.....and I am sure you have seen the photos so I won't tire you with those details.
Fast forward to Wednesday and I was nervous as hell coz I had organized a treasure hunt to get to know my neighbors more. I wasn't sure that they would turn up and true to their form, they didn't. But I still went on with the treasure hunt and everyone who did turn up for it (most of my friends from the building) surely had a good time. The BBQ afterward was marvelous. You should have seen me, happier than a Kenyan housewife with a kitchen full of guests. Best part is that guests almost outnumbered hosts.
Friday night was Salsa night and I had the priviledge to teach many many people to dance. And all my students moved on to become marvelous dancers :D That night I think I danced my feet off. And after that we went for an after party at somebody's house and there I met this most amazing couple. A tattoo artist and his wife. They live in Norway now but some time ago they sold their stuff and went to live in Thailand. Just like that. Talking to them got me thinking that sometimes life just needs to be lived. Screw hustling and just get out there and live your life. So we talked and talked till the sun came up and I realized I had to go sleep or risk missing work on Saturday night.
Sato night I was working in the student-run club. There was a dinner for ESN, which is the organization that makes sure that exchange students are well catered for. I was among a team of 7 exchange students working at that dinner and I must say we were a pretty good team :D The dinner was from 6 till about 9 then we all went to a pre-party that ESN Kalmar had organized in a basement. That was fun. And I have the photos to prove that. :D Whatever happened from that point till sunday morning is not to be repeated.
Sunday was round 2 of the International lunch and this time there was way much more food. It was pretty interesting to have so many nationalities under one roof. We ended up playing a game of ping pong with frying pans (and I have the photos to prove it :-) whatever happened after that point till today morning shall also not be repeated....
All in all, I have realized one thing. Everybody needs to really live their life. If not every day (like me), every so often. You need to shake off the idiosyncrasies and dullness that is classic in popular culture, get out there and literally smell the roses. You will be surprised what you have missed sitting in the house or at the pub every weekend. Ask me and I shall show you!
As a by the way, I attended a very interesting Swedish traditional event for children the Wednesday before Good Friday. It was the 'witching' night. That was interesting. Lots of children dressed like witches and running around a museum. And I got to learn more than a bit about Swedish history at the museum. And I got the cutest photo of some of the origami frogs the kids were making :-D
Side Notes:
- I have gotten used to how people look at me. I think most people really wanna come over and ask me stuff, but they are usually too Swedish to do that. So instead they stare very intently. Once in a while though, the random person comes over and says hi. That's usually interesting. But it's the kids I like. They usually aren't afraid to come up and talk to me. One kid some time ago actually even asked me to help him tie his shoe laces. And recently a couple of kids invited me to join them in a game of street basketball. I really couldn't coz I was feeling really tired, but I bounced the ball around a bit with them before I went into the 'mansion'
- I call my hostel the 'mansion' for a reason. It's special to me. And it's the coolest place ever!!!
- I understand why the rest of the exchange student community doesn't really wanna go home for summer. Kalmar is special...
- I miss chapati madondo :'(
- I am still not gaining weight. Don't think I will gain weight here.....too much walking :D
- I joined the university choir. They are called the Kalmar Keys. And they are the coolest :D I will also be taking part in shooting and editing a production by a theater group affiliated to the university. And I am playing drums for the Keys :D
- I have resorted to documenting my stay photographically. I can't seem to remember what I did on some of the days.....
If I remember something else I wanted to say...I will add it in.....but that's it for now....keep it locked to the Chronicles of Kalmar for more quirky happenings :-D
Winners of the treasure hunt :D
Best team ever!
When in doubt, use a frying pan
Nature answers the call of spring
Hi! My name is Mr. Froggi Origami :-D
Just coz I love this photo
This was at the BBQ for exchange students....nice eh?
The mansion in all it's grandeur
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