I know you Kenyans might not understand what a phenomenal feeling that we get here when the spring comes, so I won't go very deep into that. But it feels good to go outside sometimes and just sit in the sun and remember the good ol days spent basking in the sun without a care in the world. And I did a whole lot of that last week. But interestingly enough, I had a general lack of inspiration last week. Very wierd....
Anywhoo, last week, there was a flurry of activity in Kalmar which coincided well with the sunshine and the reactivation of life that happened as a result of the sunshine. I think you've already seen most of the photos but just to recap what I did, I had a random day of photo taking when I went down by the river and sat in the sun for like an hour taking photos and looking at the people go by. That was fun and I got some pretty good photos :-D I kinda wandered back home after that coz I was in no rush and I wanted to maximize my exposure to the sun, so I hear I was spotted wandering the streets of Kalmar with no particular aim. I did bump into some friends on the way back home and I got a good photo of the whale (FINALLY!!) Last week, we also had a mega karaoke fest with a great majority of the exchange student crew. That was so so much fun. It ended up being more of an old school dance night coz the DJ was having so much fun dancing with us that he forgot that it was a karaoke night :-) I sand, as always. Three times. And I succeeded in teaching some people how to dance the shuffle. Actually, I had been teaching them the dance since the previous saturday and wednesday was the first time we tried it after the training period. And they danced it so well :-D While we are on the topic of dance, can you imagine a whole dance floor full of people doing 'head, shoulder, knees and toes'? By the end of the night, that's what was happening! Overall, karaoke night was a success.
Now, last weekend qualifies as one of the best weekends I have had EVER! There was a party in my block on friday, a birthday party for one of my housemates from the top floor and it was AWESOME! Not wanting to get into the details coz y'all will say that I am gloating, we had a room with floor to ceiling aluminium foil which was our dance floor and a very nice group of fun loving people. The next day was pillow fight day and though we weren't many people at the actual pillow fight, I should say that I had so much fun. We ended up 'attacking' a random group of dudes down by the castle :-D We actually didn't hit them with the pillows or anything. We just ran towards them screaming our heads off and swinging our pillows then instead of attacking them, we ran right around them to the other side. You should have seen the expressions on their faces. *classic*
Saturday night, there was a rockstar themed night and I know that I don't gotta say much about that coz the photos are there :-D But in short, I had a whole lot of fun. And I loved sporting a mo-hawk for the night...that is until everybody really wanted to touch it and the hair collapsed back to it's original condition. Jana and today have been my lazy days so I have not done much...
In conclusion, I finally miss some people from back home. I sorely miss my support network of girls. Anybody who knows me well knows I hang out mostly with girls. But on the upside, I have found a new bunch of girls to hang out with. Most of them are Latvian and they do know how to have a good time. Plus they were willing to learn how to shuffle and they caught the dance pretty well. We always show off on the floor at the club. :-D
Side Notes:
- Because of Easter, I don't have class this week and next week. But I do have an hour long chat session on MSN with the rest of my class tonight. That should be interesting coz we're chatting with people from the Netherlands and Spain at the same time
- My inspiration is starting to come back, slowly. At least it's taking less time to get me out of bed these days. And I have been able to jot down such a long note :-D
- I am not going anywhere over Easter. By choice. I want to experience a Kalmar Easter. I just hope somewhere will be open over the weekend coz I am hearing horrible news of many places closing for Easter.
- I am booking my flight home tonight :-( But it's ok....everything good must have an ending right?
I realized that Swedish people tend to be overly ignorant sometimes. Every time they use paper bags from a certain supermarket, they give some money to support re-afforestation in East Africa. And they don't even know that. Some of the ones I have met don't even know that Africa is a continent. Others ask me which country in Kenya I am from...but I don't blame them. We haven't done much to tell them about us... - I think my calling is event photography. I seem to be gettin better at that every day :-D
Keep it here for more from the ensuing saga that is the chronicles of Kalmar.
so what! I'm a *rockstar*
Linda (on the right in yellow) is one of the coolest people here :-D
I love the perspective in this shot!! and to think I just took it accidently
The whale :-D
Bring it on!!!
Literally sleeping out in the street
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