I should say that time is like a like the suicidal wild bunnies we have here in Kalmar. It comes out of nowhere, distracts you for just long enough to make you think you can stop your bike in time, then hops off just as you engage evasive maneuvers. That's how my time here seems to be moving anyway. Seems like it was only yesterday that I was leaving JKIA....ah, time.
Anywhoo, life seems to have slowed down a bit since the last time I chronicled my life. Not much seemed to have happened actually. Though that Thursday I did have some interesting things happen to me. I went teddy bear shopping as a favour for a friend of mine (and my sister in law). That was pretty interesting coz every decision I made was being scrutinized by her for a class she was having about consumer behavior. After the teddy bear shopping, I gave her a 3 hour crash course on my life. Then I went to watch the play that the University drama team is preparing. I should say that it's a 3 hour play in Swedish. Very very funny though.
So after such a long day, I went home via the supermarket so that I could treat myself to some buffalo wings. That's like a 20 minute deviation from my 30 minute walk home. When I got home, imagine my surprise to see a strange person seemingly blacked out on the kitchen table with a backpack and a carry all on the floor beside the table. Being that it was a Thursday, I didn't give it much thought at first coz barbecue season is on so maybe someone had a party and forgot one of their friends blacked out on the table. And also, the person looked like a young girl. So I only switched on a few lights to get enough light to put the groceries in the fridge, then I went to my room to check mail before cooking dinner. I left the lights on hoping the person would wake up and see the light then realize they were in the wrong place. Checking mail didn't take too long, so after a few minutes I was back to cooking in the kitchen. That's when I noticed the person had indeed woken up and had moved to lying on the floor on top of the bags. So I went around my business cooking my fries and buffalo wings, a little bit scared that the person had woken up and moved to the floor instead of getting out of the kitchen. I made sure to make a whole lot of noise hoping it would wake the person. Didn't work. When the food was ready, I decided against eating in the kitchen and instead went to eat in my room.
To cut a long story short, one of my corridor mates also saw the person there a bit after I retreated to my room and when she switched on the lights she noticed that it was a dude and not a girl so she got our resident strong man from upstairs, Tomas to come wake him up and then called the police to come get him. Turns out the guy was some kind of druggie and he had 'lost his way' looking for where one of his friends lives and somehow ended up getting into out kitchen through our balcony door (which someone still keeps on forgetting to lock, grrrrrrr!) I heard the commotion when the whole of the top floor right side came down to check out who was sleeping in our kitchen and that's when I got the whole account. We all stood at the door for like an hour as the police came and took the dude away. A cup of peppermint tea later, I couldn't sleep coz I kept on wondering whether that guy had been sincere or he was planning to finish us all off later that night. So I spent part of that night chatting online. When I decided it was safe enough to think of sleep, I lay in bed and put on some chilled out music on my laptop so I could do my nightly 'thinkin before sleeping' session. I started thinking about what I'd been through since I joined uni and came to the conclusion that, hands down, 2008 was a good year.
The saturday after that I was in the streets of Kalmar with an afro wig on my head advertising the Kalmar Spex (the uni drama team). That was a blast. And I got some nice photos :-D I don't think anything really special happened the rest of that weekend. It was one of those dead weekends.
Last week was pretty interesting too. Monday last week I was working on a design for my cousin Vincho who, by the way, is showing a short film in the Cannes film festival this month (so proud!) and when I was done, I went for a Polish barbecue on the wrong side of my floor. Suffice to say, that was interesting. Next morning, I went shopping again, this time for an outfit for the 50's party I was planning to attend that Thursday. I did get some pretty nice clothes and an awesome belt that is now officially my favorite belt (check out the pics if you don't believe) The rest of that week was basically spent lazying about in the sun. I have changed back to my Nairobi skin colour as a result :-D
I should say I was feeling a bit sick last week. One of my friends gave me a killer cold some time the other week, so I was fighting it most of last week. But I think I am almost cured now. :-D
But enough about boring old me!
Side notes:
Anywhoo, life seems to have slowed down a bit since the last time I chronicled my life. Not much seemed to have happened actually. Though that Thursday I did have some interesting things happen to me. I went teddy bear shopping as a favour for a friend of mine (and my sister in law). That was pretty interesting coz every decision I made was being scrutinized by her for a class she was having about consumer behavior. After the teddy bear shopping, I gave her a 3 hour crash course on my life. Then I went to watch the play that the University drama team is preparing. I should say that it's a 3 hour play in Swedish. Very very funny though.
So after such a long day, I went home via the supermarket so that I could treat myself to some buffalo wings. That's like a 20 minute deviation from my 30 minute walk home. When I got home, imagine my surprise to see a strange person seemingly blacked out on the kitchen table with a backpack and a carry all on the floor beside the table. Being that it was a Thursday, I didn't give it much thought at first coz barbecue season is on so maybe someone had a party and forgot one of their friends blacked out on the table. And also, the person looked like a young girl. So I only switched on a few lights to get enough light to put the groceries in the fridge, then I went to my room to check mail before cooking dinner. I left the lights on hoping the person would wake up and see the light then realize they were in the wrong place. Checking mail didn't take too long, so after a few minutes I was back to cooking in the kitchen. That's when I noticed the person had indeed woken up and had moved to lying on the floor on top of the bags. So I went around my business cooking my fries and buffalo wings, a little bit scared that the person had woken up and moved to the floor instead of getting out of the kitchen. I made sure to make a whole lot of noise hoping it would wake the person. Didn't work. When the food was ready, I decided against eating in the kitchen and instead went to eat in my room.
To cut a long story short, one of my corridor mates also saw the person there a bit after I retreated to my room and when she switched on the lights she noticed that it was a dude and not a girl so she got our resident strong man from upstairs, Tomas to come wake him up and then called the police to come get him. Turns out the guy was some kind of druggie and he had 'lost his way' looking for where one of his friends lives and somehow ended up getting into out kitchen through our balcony door (which someone still keeps on forgetting to lock, grrrrrrr!) I heard the commotion when the whole of the top floor right side came down to check out who was sleeping in our kitchen and that's when I got the whole account. We all stood at the door for like an hour as the police came and took the dude away. A cup of peppermint tea later, I couldn't sleep coz I kept on wondering whether that guy had been sincere or he was planning to finish us all off later that night. So I spent part of that night chatting online. When I decided it was safe enough to think of sleep, I lay in bed and put on some chilled out music on my laptop so I could do my nightly 'thinkin before sleeping' session. I started thinking about what I'd been through since I joined uni and came to the conclusion that, hands down, 2008 was a good year.
The saturday after that I was in the streets of Kalmar with an afro wig on my head advertising the Kalmar Spex (the uni drama team). That was a blast. And I got some nice photos :-D I don't think anything really special happened the rest of that weekend. It was one of those dead weekends.
Last week was pretty interesting too. Monday last week I was working on a design for my cousin Vincho who, by the way, is showing a short film in the Cannes film festival this month (so proud!) and when I was done, I went for a Polish barbecue on the wrong side of my floor. Suffice to say, that was interesting. Next morning, I went shopping again, this time for an outfit for the 50's party I was planning to attend that Thursday. I did get some pretty nice clothes and an awesome belt that is now officially my favorite belt (check out the pics if you don't believe) The rest of that week was basically spent lazying about in the sun. I have changed back to my Nairobi skin colour as a result :-D
I should say I was feeling a bit sick last week. One of my friends gave me a killer cold some time the other week, so I was fighting it most of last week. But I think I am almost cured now. :-D
But enough about boring old me!
Side notes:
- I have a class this session that totally sucks. Got class from 10 A.M to 4 P.M every day of this week. So long to ultimate freedom :-(
- I have my ticket ready and confirmed for the flight back to Kenya. I will travel the world a bit coz I will fly to Rome, change to another plane then to Addis Ababa change planes again then fly to Nairobi. Just hoping my luggage doesn't potea somewhere in the middle.....
- I am such a risk taker. I will be singing in Swedish with the choir at the Spring Concert on the 20th. That should be interesting.
- I got hit on so many times in the club on Friday night. By dudes. Even more times than the 3 chicks I was dancing with! Still wondering what's up with that...
- I am almost down to my last cent. All of y'all who owe me money, inbox me so I can give you my bank account number you deposit my debts in there!
- My phone is a zombie now. Keeps on reversing the screen and colours or just blanking out on me. When it dies I think I will go totally phoneless for a while coz my luck with phones seems to be down right horrid. This is like the third phone to die on me.
- I'm still in love with Kalmar. I have no idea how I will get back to my routine in Nai from the 6th of June.
- One month to go in Kalmar and I am determined to make it the best month of my life. Watch out for the photos
We hope you enjoyed this episode of the Chronicles of Kalmar. Please stay tuned for more after a message from our sponsors....
Don't we all look so good in this photo? Smile everybody!
Doing the twist :D
Totally love how many flowers are in bloom this spring. It's so colourful everywhere!
Working on my tan and taking photos of the castle......my days in Kalmar shall be defined as such
The banner we carried around on while we were dressed like the Village People
I still want a wig like that one!!!!
Don't we all look so good in this photo? Smile everybody!
Doing the twist :D
Totally love how many flowers are in bloom this spring. It's so colourful everywhere!
Working on my tan and taking photos of the castle......my days in Kalmar shall be defined as such
The banner we carried around on while we were dressed like the Village People
I still want a wig like that one!!!!
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