I am now counting hours till I leave this beautiful city called Kalmar. And now that the summer is settling in, the city is looking more glorious than ever. The temperatures are climbing by the day and the days are getting longer. It seems this summer will be a really good one. It's sad I won't be here to see it.I have spent my last 2 weeks in Kalmar in a perpetual party mode. I really don't wanna start counting where and when coz they are quite a number. But there are a few events I should mention, if not for anything but posterity. I sang in Swedish at the Kalmar Keys' Spring Concert two weeks ago. Totally brought the house down playing the drums :-D I also rocked at karaoke that same night.If you don't believe it, check out the videos of me. That same weekend, I took a bike tour to a large island off the coast of Kalmar called Öland. It was so beautiful that I felt like I was riding through a dream. It was so good I forgot to take many photos.
Last week was totally messed up coz of shoots and re-shoots and editing. I basically lived inside an editing suite the whole week. Well, apart from when I'd take off to spend some time in the sun :-D But it was really bad sometimes. I can't remember the last time I had breakfast. This past weekend was extra extra good though. It totally made up for the horrible week. The beach party at the corehouse on saturday was marvelous. I believe some of you have seen the photos. I won't go into the details of that. Sunday, I hosted a barbecue outside my place. It was such a nice warm day to lie in the sun and chill. I think no one has ever had that many people outside this house. It felt good to see all my friends together and having fun.
This week, I am basically in zombie mode. I am packing and moving stuff around. So I gotta go shopping for a suitcase and what not coz mine was in pieces by the time it arrived here in February. Can't imagine it's been 4 months. Time flies by so fast. But the perpetual party mode ain't stopping till I get into the Ethiopian Airline's plane. :-D ;-)
Side Notes:
- I know this season finale has been short. I kept it that way for a reason. The end shouldn't be dragged on and on. It should be short and sweet. That's what I tried to do with this.
- I should say that I met a Kenyan here in Kalmar. Yes. I met a Kenyan. Small world. I have also met some people who've been to Kenya and on Sunday I was chilling with two girls who'd been in USIU on exchange.So the world is officially tiny. Officially.
- I should admit that I love Sweden. I really don't wanna go back home just yet. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do....
- I am however looking forward to spicing up my Nairobi life. My stay in Kalmar has taught me that my Nairobi lifestyle really really sucks and needs a thorough jolting. So y'all had better get ready to be coming to my place for random barbecues :-D
- I have spent so much time in the sun that I have regained my Nairobi skin colour. A nice dark mocha. I am gonna miss spending hours in the sun without worrying about getting too hot...
- There are so many people I want to mention and thank for enriching my stay in Kalmar.....I think my last note shall be to thank them all. I will write it in the bus as I go to Stockholm.
- I am embarking on my tour of Stockholm alone. Couldn't find anyone at all who was free to come with me to Stockholm
- I hate saying goodbye for good. And I totally suck at it. Totally. And I have to tell so many people goodbye this week :'(
- This is the last time I am writing a chronicle. Who thinks I should start something similar when I get back home?
The tower at night. Totally hot.
One of the most beautiful theaters I have ever seen. Both inside and outside
The bus to Öland
Inside the bus. I love those mirror shots
At one of the windmills where we stopped to rest. This should probably be the album cover for the Flight of the Corridor :-D
At a party that same night after the trip to Öland.
And at Casey's place the next day.....This has been my family for the last 4 months....love you guys!!!!
After the Spring concert with the Keys. Totally loved chilling with them
My three favorite people from ESN. They took care of all of us.
Oh,and me in my beach wear :-D
Oh,and me in my beach wear :-D
The BBQ was just starting.....that was a great afternoon
My crazy friends and their crazy human tower. I would have died of boredom without the company of all of these people.