But on the upside, we got plot for tomorrow night. There's some concert at some place near the castle and I am so definately not gonna miss that. Me and my camera. And while we are still on the issue of my camera, I should make an apology to all my fans. I have nót been able to upload any of the photos I have taken so far because I have not been able to get a computer that does not need me to install the camera's software so that it can be read. As soon as I can do that I will put up photos.
And on to other news. I am finally a fully fledged student of the University of Kalmar. Let me explain this. Most students in the university of Kalmar own either one form of motorized transport or a bicycle. Though I may not be privileged enough to have a form of motorized transport, I have a bicycle :-D It's one of those foldable contraptions so it looks like a kid's bike. But I really don't care as long as my transit times have been cut down drastically. I can now wake up at 9 and still make it in time for a o'clock class.
The story behind my getting a bike is a classic punk'd kind of story. My student mentor Henrik, had promised me he was gonna hook me up with a bike soon and he had been making jokes that he and Tommy, my other mentor, would steal one for me. I took it only as a joke. So when he called me yesterday asking me if I was ready to go steal a bike, I thought he was kidding. Imagine my surprise when he and Tommy came to pick me in Tommy's car with a police radio scanner and the works. We set off into the dead of the night to the seaside, presumably looking for an abandoned bike. We drove around a bit, looking around we drove slowly through surbubia and down to the beach. We actually almost got stuck going down one particularly wet path. All the while, Henrik kept on chatting me up and at times breaking into peals of laughter, which I thought were at the daring silliness of our venture. The police scanner kept on crackling and Tommy periodically reached over to scan the channels for any new reports. We passed through like 3 private docks and down many paths before we turned into a public beach. Here, Tommy switched off the dips and put only parking lights on. We hadn't driven around much before we all spotted a bike lying behind a boulder near the parking lot. We all got out and grabbed the bike and took it to the car where could get a good look at it. By this point, you can imagine that I was totally spooked but somehow, Henrik couldn't stop laughing. I also started laughing when Tommy unexpectedly produced a chain cutter to get rid of a chain that was tied around the back tire of the bike. We quickly put the bike in the back of the car, piled in and drove off in a huff to avoid being spotted. All the way home, Henrik gave me a pep talk that I shouldn't tell anyone where I got the bike.When we made it to my hostel, Henrik and Tommy broke it to me, albeit gently, that the whole 'bike stealing' expedition had been a sham! The bike was actually Henrik's and they had placed it at the site about a half an hour before coming to pick me up. It was a practical joke they's planned as part of a set of pranks they've been planning to pull on me. Thank God there was no candid camera keeping an eye on me coz I was so punk'd! There's no denying that!
Anywhoo, that aside, I am now reincarnating all the glory days spent with my beloved BMX when I was a kid. And I kinda had forgotten that I hadn't ridden a bike in ages, so as you can expect, its gonna be a bit of a challenge for me to get used to riding around in Kalmar. But I am sure I will get used to the slight gradients soon. It's good exercise for the heart :-D
Viva el Kalmar!
Side Notes:
It's warming up here in Kalmar. And I am now happy coz that means soon enough I can organize outdoor photoshoots. :-D
I am weaning off TV. But I try to not miss 8:00 P.M. That's when all the good shows are on :-D
I have had a bit of writing inspiration since I arrived and if all goes well, I will be putting up some new stories soon enough. Keep your fingers crossed.
I would really appreciate your input in a prank that will up what Henrik and Tommy pulled on me. Any suggestions can be sent to my inbox :-D
I am discovering what music changes my mood. Robin Thicke makes me happy. And SautiSol gives me energy to do things.
I am now thinking its time I looked for some gainful means of employment...that doesn't particularly include me having to know Swedish.
I am unwilling to learn Swedish. I need some inspiration for that.
Stay tuned for more of the Chronicles of Kalmar!
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